Sacrificing Isaac was a test, to prove whether Abraham would obey God at any cost. This test was not to prove Abraham's faith in God to God, but to Abraham.
The command to offer Isaac as a sacrifice is acknowledged by billions of believers as an "ultimate" test of faith. This test was especially tough, since it came not too long after a shocking experience where Abraham was delivered by God from wicked Egyptian priests, who attempted to kill him as a sacrifice upon their polluted pagan altar. This experience undoubtedly seared into Abraham a fervent understanding of the abominable, perverted character of human sacrifice. How was He then to carry out such an act, knowing God thoroughly abhorred such? And how was it to be to his own son, through whom the birthright covenantal promises of posterity had been assured?
The depth of Abraham's faith went far beyond that of a superficial "fair weather fan," someone who believes in a God Who doesn't require much. Abraham knew only that the command came from God. He didn't ask questions of why or how, or what the result would be, or accuse the Lord of messing up his plans.
He only stopped when the angel forcibly prevented him from carrying out the command, after every bit of evidence was laid bare, showing he really would do such a thing, if only to please the God who had delivered him.
God knows the end from the beginning. He knows what each of His children will do in every situation they face. He knows the choices you will make better than you do. He doesn't need to see us prove ourselves to Him.
But, oh! How we need to see ourselves prove ourselves to God!
We need to develop faith in our own abilities and gain confidence in our righteous inclinations.
Of course, we depend wholly on God for getting through life. But He's not limited in the ways He can help us. Much of what He gives us is disguised as our own thoughts, intentions, skills, abilities, determination, and desires.
I'm so grateful for the mercy the Lord has shown by allowing me to see what I'm capable of overcoming. He mercifully has allowed a few great difficulties to encumber my path back to Him. This has allowed me to see greater visions of myself.
Many begrudgingly acknowledge that the trials and tribulations of life are ways God can bless us with growth and strength. I submit that they are the very reason we came to Earth. We didn't come to live comfortably, and easily slide right back into His presence. We are here to be tested, to see whether we will do all things the Lord will command us. We are here to prove by our actions the true desires of our hearts, and whether we seek the things of God over the things of this world.
As I face my own tiny Abrahamic moments of decision, the challenges of the future lose some of their terror as I remember how merciful the Lord has been to me in the past.
Remember what He's helped you through. Remember how powerful He is.
He knows you. He wants to be with you.
He wants to share His grand vision of you, with you.
He can show you marvelous things.
Let Him.