Being ready for something big to come doesn't always mean we will feel ready for it.
Sometimes, we can feel completely ready, but are not actually prepared.
Other times, we feel completely unprepared, but are actually ready for the change ahead.
A few big things have come up in my life, for which I was totally ready. But at the time I faced them, I felt anything but ready.
Being ready means more than wishing for some longed-for event to come. Being ready means being prepared. Being prepared is the result of intentional effort, some by us, and some by God. You can be prepared by Him for things you can't see until you face the great growth opportunity.
Seemingly unrelated events, misfortunes, words, phrases, and memories can powerfully combine in a moment, giving us just exactly what we need, at the time we need it.
Being prepared for the future doesn't require knowing beforehand every detail of what will come. Humbly, patiently, diligently going about the regular business of Christian discipleship, striving to be led by God, will prepare you in ways beyond your ability to understand.
At some point, it will all be crystal clear. Our hindsight will be far better than 20/20. Our privilege will be to look on our past and see things the way God saw them the whole time.
If we are faithful, we will be given the privilege of seeing things as they really are, and as they really were. (1 John 3: 2-3; Doc. & Cov. 76: 94; 93; 2 Nephi 9: 10-14)
Ask the Lord what you are ready for. Ask Him to help you see how you might further prepare for the things in your future.
Regardless of our feelings or thoughts, we just might be ready.
Are you ready?
Decision Time