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Millennial Musings

Among the greatest teachings given through Joseph Smith, the Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, is a contribution to theology that effects an explosive expansion of the understanding of life after death.

It is a message of hope and salvation for each human soul, as well as a collective message for all in the human family who love the good Earth.

This message is majorly contained in five sections of the book of Doctrine and Covenants: the 76th, the 84th, the 88th, the 93rd, and the 133rd.

There is more to our eternal destiny than a binary duality of eventuality—an opposing heaven versus hell, with a simple “line in the sand” between them. In fact, many people consigned to suffer in hell will be delivered and spend the rest of eternity in heaven. Though their sufferings there will be endless and eternal, they will not last forever. (Doc. & Cov. 19: 1-19)

Eternal damnation doesn't mean all who are damned remain forever in hell. There are many mansions (or kingdoms, or degrees of salvation), and many corresponding degrees of damnation. Heaven includes many places other than the immediate presence of God the Father, which is so often oversimply called heaven.

Most who are damned will also be saved.

Most who are saved will also be damned.

How can this be?

Of course, a careful understanding of "heaven" and "hell,” “salvation” and “damnation” must be established.

There really is a simple separation between heaven and hell after we die, but this is not all we have to look forward to. Life after death involves much more than only spirits floating around in either a blissful state, or in misery. This will come to pass in the postmortal state of the disembodied waiting either in paradise, or in prison, but this is not the end.

If we move past a limited understanding fed to us by others who confuse partiality for a fullness, we can begin to make progress in our understanding and have a clearer idea of our possibilities.

Being damned doesn’t only apply to those who are sent to hell. All who inherit a salvation other than exaltation, the fullness of salvation, will be damned to some degree.

Those who maximize their eternal opportunities by their choices earlier than those who progress farther down the path of eternal life will be damned, though this doesn’t mean they are kept from attaining an eternal happiness suited to their manifest desires for everlasting peace and contentment.

Sidetracks exiting off the central path to exaltation have definite ends, but they offer plenty of enjoyment for those who choose their lesser glories.

Damnation simply means being stopped from progressing. It doesn’t mean endless misery. It doesn’t mean remaining subject to the devil forever.


A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing, if it prevents us from continuing to learn.

Mistaking a little truth for the whole truth can be stifling, if we doggedly insist on there being nothing more to know than what we've already received.

The most pernicious falsehoods are often so compelling to hearers because they differ from the truth only in small ways.

Examples are prevalent in the doctrines of anti-Christs like Sherem, Korihor, and other false prophets and teachers. They proclaim that all can choose for themself what is right and wrong, with everyone's choice being equally acceptable. All will "prosper according to their genius," and will ultimately all be saved in heaven. The only indicator of whether something is right or wrong, is the actual ability of a person to do that thing. In other words, if someone is smart enough to cleverly defraud their neighbor, then that fraud is okay for that person to commit. If someone lacks the ability to take advantage for their own gain, then that act is wrong for that person. “Natural selection” is the only creative and governing force in the universe, spiritually and biologically. There are no sins, only free choices to be made. All consequences are freely visible, and openly chosen, with no possibility of there being any forces or unintended results outside one's own control. There is no judgment, just natural inclinations either finding fulfillment, or frustration. There is no afterlife, but only a mad rush to experience as much pleasure as we can before we die. The list goes on, with each generation repeating the same tropes, indicating they are smarter than those from every previous age, and our Creator. (2 Nephi 28; Jacob 7; Alma 30)

The Devil has many doctrines he likes to push, which normally nudge people away from the truth by degrees. Think of what many consider to be two of the most egregious evil behaviors: human sacrifice and cannibalism.

Why are these so abhorrent to the righteous, and so easily acceptable by the wicked?

Is it because of how closely they resemble God's truth regarding the matter of salvation—that His own Son, Jesus, an innocent, righteous person should be slain by violent means as a sacrifice on behalf of all mankind to effect the Atonement which saves us from destruction and misery? To remember this great sacrifice, we repeatedly eat and drink symbols of His broken body, and of His own blood.


Similar to the doctrine of Korihor, which is so prevalent throughout world today, is the related notion that the course one has taken throughout their life has no bearing on their eternal salvation or the possibility of having to suffer in hell, so long as they make a confession with their mouth regarding their belief in Christ as their Savior.

Many times, I've heard the account of the thief who was crucified alongside Jesus. A brief conversation between the two is recorded in the New Testament, which has led to a great deal of misunderstanding regarding the next life.

The presence of the Father is not the same "heaven" as that promised to the thief, proven by the timing of Jesus' death, burial, resurrection, comments to Mary at the tomb, and His ascension.

  1. On Friday, Jesus told the other man that they both would enter Paradise that day. (Luke 23: 43)

  1. On the following Sunday, He told Mary Magdalene that He had not yet ascended to His Father. (John 20: 17)

If both statements are true, it is plainly evident that Paradise is not the same place where our Heavenly Father dwells.

Paradise is in the spirit world, where people await their resurrection from the dead and their final judgment.

In his revision of the (King James) New Testament, Joseph Smith retained the word Paradise (see Inspired Version, Matthew 27: 48) but later clarified and broadened its meaning to include the whole world of disembodied spirits. In either case, Jesus positively told the thief he would be with Him there.

If our description and use of the word Paradise as the particular state of peace and rest for the righteous following death sufficiently stands (such as in Alma 40-42), to what condition and character should we expect the Earth to return when it is renewed and receives its own Paradisiacal glory? (Articles of Faith 1: 10)

As evidenced by Jesus' statements to the thief and to Mary, this cannot be a Celestial fullness, since it will receive people who are not fully cleansed, wrought upon, and sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise.

Consistent with what Jesus said to the thief and Joseph Smith's vision and teachings regarding Celestial inheritance for those who would have received the gospel during their mortal lives (Doc. & Cov. 137), we can therefore conclude that Jesus' millennial kingdom will be a place for more people than only those who will receive Celestial glory. Since there was not sufficient time or provision for the thief to receive baptism but nevertheless was joined on the same day by Jesus in the Paradisiacal spirit world, we may safely ascertain that many in the Paradisiacal, Millennial kingdom will not have received all the priesthood ordinances necessary for Celestial salvation. (See Journal of Discourses, volume 11, page 275, quoted in note below)

Joseph's vision of his older brother Alvin in the Celestial kingdom was a futuristic view, since baptism and other saving ordinances had not been performed on his behalf, the fullness of which covenants are matters to be settled prior to our resurrection from the dead. (See James E. Talmage's Jesus the Christ, page 548)

Further, a disembodied spirit in the eternal presence of the Father receiving a fullness of joy is inconsistent, since embodied glory patterned after the Father and the Son is Jesus' very definition of eternal life.* (John 17: 3; see also Doc. & Cov. 138: 50-52)

At the time Joseph received this vision, Alvin was still waiting in the spirit world for baptism and resurrection, so the heavenly scene was showing some future Celestial situation, still yet to come to pass. It wasn't until revelations were given regarding vicarious ministrations offered on behalf of the dead that this great work commenced in our time, allowing honorable seekers of truth such as Alvin Smith to find full relief in overcoming the world.

It is obvious to me that a glorified, perfected Earth is the setting for our eventual Celestial inheritance. The Earth is not some temporary mortal distraction or only a testing ground to be "hopscotched" over in our journey back to the Father. It is the vehicle by which we will travel to the Father. It is the ultimate home for those who are born here, and work out their salvation by honoring Celestial laws and receiving Celestial glory. (See Doc. & Cov. 29: 23; 45: 54; 88: 25-26; 130; Revelation 21: 1-4; Ether 13: 9)

Considering the foregoing, it should be apparent that the tenth Article of Faith is not referring to the ultimate Celestial kingdom to be built on the Earth, but to an earlier kingdom, of a Terrestrial character.

Nevertheless, other words of the Prophet Joseph Smith are sufficiently clear as to remove any room for doubt.

He taught some truths plainly regarding translation:

  1. Translation does not equal resurrection.

  1. Translated beings are not fully immortalized until being resurrected.

  1. Translated beings, such as the people of Enoch, currently inhabit a Terrestrial planet.

(Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pages 170-171)

I believe the people of Enoch will return to this Earth, where they will rejoin with righteous others here inhabiting God's kingdom, together to progress onward toward a magnificent Celestial future.

Enoch's people, having been translated, are now awaiting their resurrection to eternal bodies and glory, while in their current Terrestrial order. I believe being translated allowed them to endure a journey through space to another planet, which is only a temporary refuge as the wickedness of the last days rages here on this Telestial Earth. It appears to me that they may return as Terrestrial beings to a Terrestrial (Millennial) Earth, where we will then progress together toward the ultimate sanctification and destiny of the Kingdom, and of the Earth, which is of course, fully Celestial.

It appears to me that they achieved Terrestrial living while in this Telestial world, which made them too good to remain here. But their Celestial sanctification depends on spending more time here on Earth, to allow them to fully move on from Terrestrial to Celestial. To me, this is similar to the idea from Joseph Smith that babies who die will be raised by their parents during the Millennium. They are worthy of Celestial salvation by living and dying without sin, being covered by the Savior, but they won't be Celestial until they take on all the attributes of heavenly beings by experience and other growth in wisdom and intelligence. This seems related to the idea that those who prioritize learning in this life will have some kind of advantage over others in the next life. (Doc. & Cov. 130: 19)

Maybe what is meant by building up the kingdom according to Celestial laws (Doc. & Cov. 105: 5) is that Enoch and other priesthood holders teach the gospel among our people, offering the fullness of Celestial salvation, even if the people themselves did/do not actually attain a Celestial order right away. Those on Earth during the millennium will be worthy of ultimate, eternal Terrestrial or Celestial salvation, but perhaps a Celestial law being instituted on earth for the kingdom now and through the Millennium will not require everyone to abide all the gospel covenants as we know them.

The peoples of Josiah (2 Kings 22-23) and Benjamin (Mosiah 1-6) both entered a righteous covenant to become God's people, apparently without baptism. Of course, it is possible that the covenant they made was in renewal of prior baptismal covenants, but I am inclined to believe in the efficacy of covenant-making that may appear outside the narrow scope we typically view with regard to baptism and the other ordinances. Baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, washing, anointing, clothing, ordaining for brethren, endowment, and sealing are all required for a Celestial inheritance involving exaltation, to organize kingdoms of one's own hereafter, and baptism is also the Lord's requirement for joining His church on Earth, but I am unsure about the need for ordinances in securing citizenship in the Terrestrial kingdom of Zion people which is currently being built on Earth. We covenant all we have to the church, but maybe others who want to join in on the building of the Kingdom have no such requirement. Nevertheless, God will dwell among His people and manifest Himself in mercy, and the priesthood will be the appointed structure for governing the entire Kingdom, even among those not sharing our particular faith. All on earth will acknowledge Jesus as the rightful King, but they will persist in other churches which will have taught them to live comfortably in Jesus's presence, according to a Terrestrial order.

Perhaps all that is needed to live the celestial law upon which the kingdom will eventually be fully established, is that of consecrated stewardships. This involves a covenant to enter the economic order that provides the framework for a "heavenly" (celestial, with a little "c") mode of living. These people could then be referred to as living celestial laws, without having to be members of the church or making all the covenants that secure Celestial salvation or exaltation. Perhaps the reference to the "law" in Doctrine and Covenants, section 105, verse 5 is to this economic order, and not to living the Gospel as a whole. The context is worth considering, in which the Lord discusses the failure to live by consecrated stewardships. This failure, the Lord says, is on the part of the church, and not by individuals. This leads me to believe it refers to the organization of the people according to stewardships and consecration, and not regarding their individual gospel covenant status as members of the church.

Like Brigham Young indicates***, perhaps the "many mansions" Jesus mentions (John 14: 1-6) include people who remain on Earth during the Millennium but who don't participate directly in a Zion society. These are good, honorable people who are worthy of at least Terrestrial glory.

Building a kingdom according to Celestial laws moves everyone towards Celestial living by teaching Celestial principles, but the Kingdom at large will not be actually of a Celestial order until after the Millennium. I don't know what this implies for the citizenry within New Jerusalem specifically. It may be a Celestial city among a Terrestrial civilization. This may be a type and shadow of the later eternal Celestial kingdom sending ministering down to lower Terrestrial kingdoms (Doc. & Cov. 76: 87). I believe that other Zion cities, which will fill North and South America and the world, are not going to be exact copies of the New Jerusalem. The seat of government for this Zion society will be a special place.

Rather than worrying too much about the particulars of the New Jerusalem, I try to focus on building those close to me into a Zion people first. We need to do what the Lord has already commanded us to do by preaching the Gospel in plainness as we strive to purify hearts. As we build Zion generally, I am fully confident the Lord will unroll all the details we need regarding the New Jerusalem. As people are purified, they are open to receiving revelations that have never been given before regarding this work. (Luke 10: 23-24; Doc. & Cov. 128: 18)

I also am striving to do many things out of my own desire to be anxiously engaged, so I seek ways I can encourage Zion culture out in the world, even if these efforts are not strictly "spiritual" in nature. I am increasingly finding Zion-minded people among those at work and elsewhere. Since all things are spiritual to the Lord, no effort is wasted if we are working to bring to pass righteousness any way we see. My worldly work feels shallow if not directly tied to bringing to pass the promised blessings for God's children.

Of course, I believe in inviting all to receive all the ordinances. But I've learned not to get discouraged by a perceived lack of response from people, and to go on knowing that teaching, testifying and inviting are really all that are required of me. The results are up to the people and their choices. The prophecies will come to pass, and we are the people chosen to lead this work. But it must go on according to the pleasure of God, and not only by our insistence.

We can live Celestial laws even now in this Telestial world and be assured of a great Celestial future, even if the road there is long, rough or dimly lit at times.

People can believe in Jesus as the Messiah and/or their own Savior without immediately being converted to His church. Look at all the believers in the world—Jewish, Christian, Muslim, etc. Many believe in a coming Messiah and/or believe in Jesus as the Atoner and Son of God, and are not members of His church.

Terrestrial glories will be bestowed upon those who are honorable and just, but who do not fully embrace the fullness of the saving and exalting opportunities offered by Jesus.

After His second coming, all will acknowledge Him as the rightful King of kings and Lord of lords, but will continue their associations with a wide variety of churches and belief systems. (See Journal of Discourses, volume 11, page 275, quoted in note below)

The temple to be built in Jerusalem prior to Jesus' coming will be after the manner of the Jews, where they will eventually fulfill the law of sacrifice according to the Aaronic priesthood. (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pages 168-169, 171-173)

The two witnesses slain and resurrected in Jerusalem in the last days will be Jewish prophets, having little or nothing to do with the Church of Jesus Christ in the West. (Doc. & Cov. 77: 15)

We don't know much about what is required for salvation in kingdoms lower than the Celestial, since Jesus came to teach us to strive for the highest—to think Celestial.

Living the doctrine of Christ (faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end) is the covenant of Celestial salvation. It is the Celestial law that will lead us through this fallen Telestial world, through the next Terrestrial world, and on to a Celestial world.

Terrestrial salvation may very well be what many churches teach it to be: spending eternity in a saved condition, free from pain, misery and death, without marriage, endlessly praising Jesus in the presence of His throne, enjoying wonderful peace, joy and contentment. It may be that the only requirement for an eternal "heavenly" inheritance there is to be an honorable citizen of planet Earth, a "good person"** and to believe that Jesus is your personal Savior, which can be accomplished when every knee bows and every tongue confesses His rightful power, position, and authority.

Being cleansed from sin, (washed in the blood of the Lamb, etc.) a momentary attainment, may be different from being sanctified Celestially. Something like the way some people in the Book of Mormon are said to, 1: Have been cleansed from their sins, but also, 2: Had their desire to sin purged out of them by the Holy Ghost. This distinction can be seen as a major component of the differences between Terrestrial and Celestial laws and glories. Perhaps having our sins remitted may admit us into a Kingdom ruled by Jesus (Terrestrial), but sanctification by the Holy Ghost and the full baptism of fire is what makes us Celestial. Being valiant is required for the Celestial, but having any kind of a testimony of Jesus is a wonderful thing, because it can lead to Terrestrial glory, even if not valiantly defended. (Doc. & Cov. 76: 71-79)

Being resurrected into a Celestial body doesn't mean a person will not also be involved in ministering and administering in a Terrestrial kingdom during Christ's millennial reign, as also eternal assignments to dispense light and truth to other kingdoms lower than the level attained by their own Celestial salvation.

"Thinking Celestial" does not require hopscotching over the idea of Terrestrial progression in the presence of the Savior during His coming Millennial kingdom.

We are not Celestial beings until we are made such by God's power of redemption and resurrection. Choosing to live laws pertaining to a Celestial order does not immediately transform us as we might expect by our limited, biased, incomplete, or pharisaical view of what it means to actually live the Gospel.

The people we know of that have been translated so far obviously knew and lived Celestial laws. They are prophets and other righteous people who live(d) the gospel. But this doesn't mean they won't also live in a Terrestrial kingdom or kingdoms before moving on to a fullness of Celestial glory.

I fully expect to be resurrected to a Celestial body for my next life here on Earth during the Millennium, in that Terrestrial kingdom. Following the Millennium, I expect to move on with others of a Celestial inheritance to receive Celestial glory. During the Millennium we'll see mortal people mingling with immortal people on Earth. Translated bodies, such as those of the people of Enoch, the three Nephites, Alma, John, Moses, and Elijah, seem to me to be like unto the immortal bodies of Adam and Eve prior to their fall. They were not eternal resurrected bodies, and could not therefore inherit Celestial glory without the experience of mortality and resurrection. Adam and Eve could not procreate in their Edenic state, nor could animals, but eternally exalted beings can. Exalted beings can create immortal bodies, as fallen mortals can create mortal bodies. (2 Nephi 2: 19-25; Doc. & Cov. 77: 2-3; 132: 19)

The vicarious work for the dead being performed now, and at a much more efficient manner during the Millennium is on behalf of those who need the opportunity to let their covenant status come to match the desires of their hearts, especially if prevented from receiving the ordinances of the priesthood during their mortal lives. We are judged according to our works in the flesh, and vicarious ordinances are offered so that people can be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the Spirit. (1 Peter 4: 6, also 1 Peter 3: 18-22; Revelation 20: 12-13)

All who would have received the fullness of the gospel will receive Celestial glory, regardless of externally imposed limitations in the flesh. (Doc. & Cov. 137) The deeds done in the flesh will be judged according to the light and knowledge they possessed during their mortal life. Whatever portion of the truth they understood, is what they will be judged against. Receiving “50%” of the truth and having lived according to it faithfully will result in getting 100% of the blessings. Continuing to learn and grow after death will fill out the remainder of the knowledge, truth, and light they lacked, and which are necessary for a full enjoyment of blessings according to a Celestial lifestyle.

Think of the parable of the laborers (Matthew 20: 1-16). Those that worked in the vineyard from the beginning had made a specific covenant for a definite reward, but those who joined later—right up until the eleventh hour—were only told by the Lord that they would receive that which was "right." They agreed, and thereby entered some form of covenant, but it was up to the Lord to reward them as He saw fit, which blessing was unknown to the early workers, even unknown to these later workers themselves! He mercifully chose to give them the same reward as those who understood the full covenant from the beginning, and who had worked diligently through the whole day. This causes me to think of Celestial salvation being the reward which is clear in the minds of those who are early to the work (church members), but that others with whom the Lord will be generous later may not have to live strictly as these early ones did. We understand what He's commanded us, but ultimately, He is the judge and Savior, and will give everyone what is right for them, up to and including the same reward as those who make and keep Celestial covenants with a full understanding. No unclean thing can dwell with God, but these later participants' sanctification may take a different track than that which we understand by our having accepted the Gospel earlier on in the course of the restoration. I believe we will yet see miraculous ways the Lord will cause His work to roll forth in the future as he "hasten[s] [His] work in its time," and "cut[s] [His] work short in righteousness." (Doc. & Cov. 88: 73; 52: 11; Isaiah 60)

In the end, all will receive exactly what they have demonstrated they are interested in: Telestial, Terrestrial or Celestial. We think Celestial, and the Church teaches Celestial, because there is no reason to strive for less than the best God offers. But there will be many who do choose less, and there will be no need for our pity for them. They will be just fine throughout an eternity of Telestial or Terrestrial glory. They will have chosen it after a full opportunity to manifest the true desires of their hearts.

The Lord reveals different things in different ways to different people at different times and at different rates. He entrusts groups and individuals with privileges and responsibilities only as they are able to bear them.

Maybe the tribe of Ephraim, the leader of this great work, was specially prepared for a greater portion of the word to be given early on. Or, perhaps we are actually slower than others, and therefore need more time to ruminate before we can fully digest!


The kingdom to be set up for our enjoyment during the Millennium will not last forever. The Earth will be destroyed a second time at the end of the Millennium, making way for the ushering in of a Celestial kingdom to be established in the presence of the Father.

While the Earth moves on to fulfill its Celestial destiny, other Terrestrial worlds will be inhabited eternally by those whose choices have prepared them for this incomprehensible glory.

Jesus' parable of the wedding feast says the party will be furnished with guests, "both bad and good." This distinction between guests can be misunderstood easily. In comparison, Terrestrial things are "bad" when viewed against a Celestial backdrop. Of course, we know that Terrestrial glory is incomprehensibly wonderful compared to our fallen, telestial world. In fact, the eternal glories waiting for those who inhabit eternal Telestial kingdoms passes all understanding. It seems that the gradient of glory as we progress in our view from Telestial, to Terrestrial, to Celestial is a logarithmic progression, with each successive height higher than the last by an order of magnitude. It's not a straight line of smoothly predictable increase. It's like a curved function demonstrating an unimaginable steepness in ascent.

It's not that Terrestrial people or terrestrial glory is actually "bad" in the typical sense we may perceive. They are not "evil" and the others "righteous." They are labeled "bad" and the others "good" to clearly distinguish two different types of people who will be welcome at the Savior's millennial banquet.

So, in this connection, I take "bad" and "good" to mean "Terrestrial" and "Celestial," respectively.

Those present on the Earth during the Millennium will be those who are worthy of Terrestrial salvation, or Celestial salvation.

The first resurrection will animate those who are Celestial first—those who have received all desired priesthood ordinances. Then will begin the most active explosion of vicarious work for the dead that has ever engaged the people of God on this Earth. While righteous mortals and immortal assistants work together to offer priesthood blessings to all in the human family, righteous spirits waiting in the spirit world will be raised in beautiful, incorruptible bodies fit for a glorious investment of power, authority, and everlasting happiness.

Later, those who chose not to accept the fulness of Christ's gospel of salvation and exaltation will be raised to beautiful, incorruptible bodies fit for a glorious investment suitable to their capacity to receive. They will join with righteous, honorable mortals on Earth during the Millennium who will reach the "age of a tree" and be changed in a moment to resurrected immortal Celestial or Terrestrial beings.

Still later, those who were preoccupied with the cares of this fallen world and chose darkness over light, after suffering in Hell during the Millennium, will be raised to immortal Telestial glory.

There are others still, who we only briefly mention. These people, who know the glory and power of God, and have been made partakers thereof, then wholly turn against the light they've seen, will be cast off into their own place, far away from any kingdom of glory. I expect the end of the Millennium to see the largest wave of such lost ones, or "sons of perdition," since the banishment of a third of the heavenly hosts from the premortal councils, when Lucifer, the son of the morning, was cast out for his rebellion against the plan of our Father. My belief regarding this great and terrible second exodus away from God is based on the idea that, during the Millennium, the Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the sea. (Isaiah 11: 9)

Since the resurrected Savior will be freely in our presence during His Millennial reign as an exalted, glorified God, our need for faith in Him will diminish, but our knowledge of Him will greatly increase. (Ether 3; 12: 6-9, 19-22)

Knowing Him in this way creates the possibility of turning our back on Him as never before.

The possibility of Perdition is hard to imagine without connecting the role of the Melchizedek priesthood, which holds the very key of the knowledge of God.

The Lord tells us that the priesthood is the force by which we may become the "vessels of wrath" which are cast off to inherit a kingdom which is not a kingdom of glory. (See Doc. & Cov. 84: 19-24, 33-41; 76: 25-39)


We should use all the power we have to persuade everyone to come unto Christ by helping them receive the fullness of His restored gospel, but there is no way to force them to do it. Not that it is inadvisable or undesirable to do so, but it is literally impossible to force anyone to receive anything they're unprepared or unwilling to accept. Not even God can do this. I believe He would cease to be God if He tried it.

Yes, the Church will continue on into the Kingdom to come, but it will not continue forever in comprising the whole Kingdom. The Church will give birth to the Kingdom (Joseph Smith's translation of Revelation 12: 7), which will grow up and become the mighty all-encompassing organization that we see in the prophecies of the last days and beyond, to include Terrestrial and Celestial things, then which will be further purged to only include Celestial things after the destruction at the end of the Millennium. The description of the Church as a woman giving birth by great pains makes me think of the discomfort experienced through opening of minds and rending veils of unbelief among Latter-day Saint exceptionalists or legalists who doggedly hold onto narrow interpretations and concepts.


The Millennium will usher in a Terrestrial kingdom. Its conclusion will thereafter usher in a Celestial kingdom.

Scriptures we currently have tell of both kingdoms, necessitating our care in differentiating them. The timeline of prophesied "last days" events are not all to come to pass in our time and generation. Many will yet be set forth later, at the end of the Millennium, and into the Celestial consummation we all seek. I believe the Earth being transformed to inhabit a "new heaven" and a "new Earth" will occur at least twice. We'll see a "New Jerusalem" come down out of Heaven at least twice.

I cannot imagine the weight, the import, and the breadth of scripture and other prophetic teachings still to be revealed. Can you imagine what we will be blessed to know and believe during the Millennium, when we will be preparing the Earth for its Celestial transformation?

Stay on this covenant path we talk about so much. It leads to some amazingly astounding possibilities.

What a journey we are on!

See also:

Think Celestial! by Russell M. Nelson

Kingdoms of Glory, by Dallin H. Oaks

The Purifying Power of Gethsemane, by Bruce R. McConkie

Ye Shall Be Free, by Thierry K. Mutombo


*Spirits of Just Men Made Perfect

There are unembodied spirits that minister for God in various ways. I believe these will all eventually be resurrected. The fullest blessings of salvation can only come by receiving an immortal body raised incorruptible and inseparably joined to a spirit. See Doc. & Cov. 129. The third verse says these spirits are not [now or already] resurrected, but will inherit the same glory. To me this indicates they will inherit resurrection in the future. The phrase "the same glory" refers me back to the glory enjoyed by inhabiting a Celestial body.

** Who can say?

All judgment is for Jesus to make. We are wholly incapable of ascertaining whether we are truly a "good person." That call is His to make, not ours. Though we can be assured of a glorious future if we are obedient to the degree of law and truth to which we are exposed, we do not have a clear enough vision to see ourselves in the proper light of eternal judgment. In particular, those who boast about being a "good person" are dangerously flirting with pridefulness that can lead to pitfalls.

***The Church, and the Kingdom

"It may be asked what I mean by the kingdom of God. The Church of Jesus Christ has been established now for many years, and the kingdom of God has got to be established, even that kingdom which will circumscribe all the kingdoms of this world. It will yet give laws to every nation that exists upon the earth. This is the kingdom that Daniel, the prophet, saw should be set up in the last days. What Daniel saw should come to pass in the latter times is believed by nearly all the religious societies of Christendom. The only great difference between us and them is in the method of its establishment. The mother Church, in trying to establish it, expected that they had to make holy Catholic Christians of everybody who lived on the earth.

"If the Latter−day Saints think, when the kingdom of God is established on the earth, that all the inhabitants of the earth will join the church called Latter−day Saints, they are egregiously mistaken. I presume there will be as many sects and parties then as now. Still, when the kingdom of God triumphs, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ, to the glory of the Father. Even the Jews will do it then; but will the Jews and Gentiles be obliged to belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter−day Saints? No; not by any means. Jesus said to his disciples, "in my Father's house are many mansions; were it not so I would have told you; I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, there ye may be also," &c. There are mansions in sufficient numbers to suit the different classes of mankind, and a variety will always exist to all eternity, requiring a classification and an arrangement into societies and communities in the many mansions which are in the Lord's house, and this will be so for ever and ever. Then do not imagine that if the kingdom of God is established over the whole earth, that all the people will become Latter−day Saints. They will cease their persecutions against the Church of Jesus Christ, and they will be willing to acknowledge that the Lord is God, and that Jesus is the Savior of the world."

Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, vol. 11: p. 275-276, December 23, 1866

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©2025 by Bryce G. Gorrell

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