(The following was taken from an address I gave in a conference of the Olathe, Kansas Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the fall of 2011.)
What is the Holy Ghost?
I’ve learned that this question is better asked by saying, “Who is the Holy Ghost?” The Holy Ghost is a person. He is a spirit. He is an actual being, and is the third member of the Godhead. Like our Father, and our Savior, He only occupies one space at any one time, though His influence can be felt all around the world at once. He is an intimate associate of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. He is filled with the same infinite love, mercy, grace, truth, knowledge, charity, and patience as They are. These Three are perfectly united. What one says or does may as well be said or done by any other of the Three. Thus, when we receive inspiration from the Holy Ghost, it is no different than if our Father or Jesus had said it to us. One of His major purposes is to testify of the Father and the Son. He can help us learn difficult concepts and bring to light great things we may not have thought were possible to understand.
Right now, imagine Heavenly Father descending in a cloud of light from His throne above to stand next to you. Would you do the things you do? What if the Savior were to appear? Now, how about the Holy Ghost? He is every bit as much God the Lord as these other Two. He may not appear in such overwhelming power and majesty, but His presence should be treasured just as fervently. I don’t want to make you feel that you have to be perfect to feel the Holy Ghost; I just want to share with you how very special it is to be in His presence and to hear His voice. To be in His presence is to be in the presence of God. Never take these things for granted. Ponder carefully the majesty of God the Holy Ghost.
Why should I want the Holy Ghost to be with me?
Often in scripture He is referred to as “the Comforter.” He has certainly fulfilled this designation for me when I needed comfort most. The Holy Ghost usually inspires me with urges to do things. These are often subtle, but to ignore them creates a feeling of dishonesty within me. I have found that when I have tried to follow what I thought was the Holy Ghost, I’ve been led carefully through events in my life; some rather dramatic, and some more commonplace. He speaks softly. He can wash away doubt, darkness, disbelief, fear, loneliness, despair, pain, and anguish. He can replace those feelings and thoughts with relief, knowledge, light, joy, love, peace, gentleness, calmness, and testimony.
It is by His role as the Holy Spirit of Promise that He seals the reality of our covenants upon us. He is the one who applies the atoning blood of the Savior to our wounded souls, cleansing us of sin and healing us of our pain. This is described in the scriptures as the “baptism of fire.” Conversion, the process that follows, then becomes our lifelong pursuit as we endure to the end. The path of conversion from time to time will bring us occasional, continuing opportunities to feel the baptism of fire as it purges us of both our sins and our desire to sin. Through Him, we ourselves can grow brighter and brighter, until the fullness of God bursts upon us.
Remember with me the day of Pentecost following the resurrection and ascension of the Savior. The Apostles had been told to wait at Jerusalem for the Holy Ghost to be given. On this day, the Holy Ghost was given, accompanied by miraculous manifestations of divine power. The Priesthood authority given them previously by Christ then became operative in their lives and in the lives of those to whom they would minister. Brethren, the priesthood you hold is the same as theirs. Your authority comes by virtue of your ordination. This is a marvelous opportunity and blessing. Authority is one essential requisite to Priesthood service, but authority is not all that is needed. Without power, authority is empty. Power in the priesthood comes through righteousness, which allows the Holy Ghost to be with us and ratify the actions we make in the authority of our ordination. Sisters, you too may exercise priesthood power through your righteousness, especially by your obedience to the ordinances of the Temple. As you bring this power from the Temple out into the world and spread your influence among other people, angels cannot be withheld from being your associates. With the Holy Ghost magnifying our simple efforts we can bring about tremendous good among the children of God. Without the Holy Ghost, we can do nothing. Male or female, we must have Him with us if we are to get along.
How can I know if what I’m feeling is the Holy Ghost, or just my own thoughts?
If you are developing faith, repenting of your mistakes and sins when they happen, striving to keep the covenants you’ve made, beginning with baptism, are working to magnify the Gift of the Holy Ghost you’ve received, and are trying with all your heart to fulfill the other commandments of God, you are being led by the Holy Ghost. Your thoughts are beginning to be His thoughts, and your ways His ways. On the other hand, if you are not trying as hard as you should to walk on the path that has been outlined, I invite you to repent. The peace and joy you will feel when you step back onto the path will be priceless. Do whatever is necessary to be clean. If we are righteous, we shouldn’t worry if what we are thinking is directly prompted by the Holy Ghost or just our own righteous thoughts. There is little difference anyway. If you feel an urge to do something good, do it. Anything that is good comes of God. Read Moroni, chapter 7 for more on this idea.
Can’t I just know if what I am doing is correct before I invest so much time and effort into a course of action that I’m not even sure about?
Imagine with me the process of blazing a new trail through unfamiliar areas of wooded forest. In marking the route the trail will take, small flags or pieces of brightly colored tape are tied to branches that are along the intended path. The method used in placing these trail markers holds a fitting analogy to one way in which the Holy Ghost guides us. When marking a new path, we place the markers in single pieces that stand at fixed points along the way. In placing these markers, it is not necessary that all of them be visible from a single point along the path. The only requirement is that while standing next to a given marker in the series, the one immediately in front of it must be visible. When we move from this marker to that one we can see ahead of us, the one just beyond it will become visible.
So it is in being led by the Spirit. Personal revelation rarely comes in large masses. Instead, it is carefully wrapped in small packages that lie along our path. As we exercise the faith needed to continue moving forward, we will be rewarded with little packets of instructions that we can pick up along the way. The Lord’s description of this is “Line upon line, precept on precept, here a little, and there a little.” I encourage you to read 1 Nephi, chapter 4, where Nephi tells us of his spectacular experience in following the Holy Ghost in this way. In verse 6 he says, “And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do.” His next sentence is the key—“Nevertheless, I went forth…”
A magnificent series of events then unfolds, in which he is provided a way to accomplish the commandment of obtaining the brass plates. Do you think he could have planned this? No. He was led by the Spirit, or, in other words, the Spirit took him along and showed him only the next step in the series. Note that Nephi didn’t say, “I was led by the Spirit, not knowing what I should do, and so I did sit upon the ground and wait to be shown all that would shortly come to pass, that I might know with surety that which I was to do.” (See The Other Spindle)
It seems everything that we do in the Church pertains to growth in the companionship of the Holy Ghost.
Practice greater reverence for sacred things and holy places. Be especially mindful of the way you treat the chapel and the Temple. Imagine how you would act if you were permitted to step into the Garden of Eden, where the earth enjoyed the abiding presence of our Heavenly Father during a time comparable to the Millennium and then the Celestial Kingdom yet to come. This is where we go when we enter the Temple. Now, imagine yourself walking through the Garden of Gethsemane as the Savior took upon Himself the weight of our sins and infirmities. In that place and time, would you casually converse with those around you? Would you say much of anything? Brothers and sisters, this is where we go when we step inside the chapel. The events of Christ’s Atonement should fill our hearts and minds as we sit here with Him.
And now, may I speak a word to those of us here who struggle with drowsiness as we attend our Sacrament meetings. Take courage! It happened even to those precious Apostles when Christ was actually in the Garden of Gethsemane. I lovingly repeat the question posed to them by the suffering Savior, “Could ye not watch with me one hour?” Let’s watch with Him, my brothers and sisters. He deserves our undivided love and respect in this sacred setting. Let the solemnities of eternity rest upon your mind, and worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness.
The scriptures have been a marvelous key to unlock personal revelation for me. Study them. Pray over them. They will expand your mind and straighten your vision of yourself and those around you. I promise that the events surrounding you will appear more clearly when you peer through the lens of the scriptures. You will be better prepared to see the hand of God working in your life.
Make the choice now of where you want to live in eternity, and then work to create that kind of environment now. In the words of a dear friend of mine, “If it ain’t Celestial, forget it.” Get yourself away from situations and people and places that erode at your divine destiny as a child of God.
Because of our agency, neither the Holy Ghost nor His promptings will be forced upon us. We must come seeking. We must desire Him to be with us, and we must honor Him when He is near. He will not remain with us if we do not maintain an environment suitable for Him. Pray sincerely and often for the Holy Ghost to be with you. For me, prayer seems incomplete without an honest invitation for Him to guide me.
The Holy Ghost will not force Himself into our lives without our consent and preparation.
Prepare for Him! This will lead you to prepare the way before you to enjoy the presence of the Son, and then, the Father!
Receive the Holy Ghost!
See also:
Receive the Holy Ghost, by David A. Bednar
The Unspeakable Gift, by Joseph B. Wirthlin
An Unspeakable Gift from God, by Craig C. Christensen