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Scriptural Summary

If all the scriptures we have, taken together, contain the beautiful music that is the story of the people of God, I consider the various books each to contribute a complimentary sound, building a rich harmony to engage my understanding of that great story.

To me, the Old and New Testaments focus on the “Who” and the “What” of the story: the great house of Israel, the Messiah, His mortal ministry, life and atonement.

The Book of Mormon tells me more of the “Why” and the “How” of salvation through Jesus Christ and the establishment of righteous governments and sustainable societies.

The Doctrine & Covenants shows me the “Where” and “When” of the great events of the restoration of the gospel and kingdom, and the fulfillment of prophecies in the future, together with an explosion of revealed truth appropriate to the dispensation of the fulness of times.

If forced to summarize all the scriptures into a single chapter, I'd show you Isaiah 52. If forced to summarize Isaiah 52 into a single verse, I'd submit Moroni 10: 31.

My vision of the scriptures is inextricably linked to the building up of Zion on two continents by the initial restoration of, and ultimate perfected glory shining forth from, two great kingdoms: Israel and Judah.

Following the death of Solomon, the united kingdom divided into two, with ten tribes in the north making up the Kingdom of Israel, and two in the south comprising the Kingdom of Judah.

Through conquest, both kingdoms have ceased to exist. The ten tribes in the north became what we call the lost tribes. The kingdom of Judah was also lost, though its remnants in the world have maintained more clearly a unified identity than other tribes scattered throughout the diaspora. There is somewhere a righteous remnant of the lost ten tribes that are together, as evidenced by the Lord visiting them after his resurrection. (3 Nephi 15, 16)

The great work currently before the people of God is the gathering together of all the dispersed children of Abraham. These individuals, communities and nations will be gathered into righteous societies around two great capital cities. The Kingdom of Judah will be centered at the gloriously rebuilt Jerusalem in the east, and the Kingdom of Israel will be established in the west, surrounding a New Jerusalem, built up in America.

The tribe of Ephraim, one of the lost ten, is tasked with leading this work of gathering in the other tribes. We are now in the full swing of this gathering. We help bring individuals spiritually to Christ through the ordinances and covenants of the gospel, and we see them physically gather to the stakes of Zion as they establish righteous families and communities of saints.

Long ago, responsibilities and predictions were prophetically given to the children of Israel prior to Israel's (Jacob's) death. You can read these patriarchal blessings in Genesis, chapter 49.

It is helpful to use a few terms correctly. For example: Israel, Israelite, Jew, Hebrew, and Semite are not all interchangeable. Someone from the Kingdom of Judah may properly be called a Jew, though they may be descended from another tribe aside from Judah, as the prophet Lehi was. Not all Israelites are Jews, but all Jews are Israelites. I encourage you to study the genealogy of the great patriarchs and their families.

Seek and study your own patriarchal blessing. Follow its counsel and you'll be led by the Lord to fulfill your unique mission.


The First Shall Be Last, and the Last Shall Be First

I see a magnificent symbol in the fountains on the grounds of the Newport Beach, California Temple. As I’ve grown in my understanding of the great events of the gathering yet to come, and the building up of the two great capital cities to stand during the Millennium, I began to see these fountains differently than as merely beautiful decorations.

The fountain to the east, closer to the temple in the photo above, represents for me Old Jerusalem on the eastern continent, rebuilt during the gathering. To the west, I see New Jerusalem in America. Old Jerusalem, representing the Kingdom of Judah, is less prominent than New Jerusalem and its Kingdom of Israel. Born of Judah, the Messiah first went to the Jews, and was rejected and crucified by them. He then went to the Gentile nations of the west to reestablish His covenant and restore the priesthood and gospel among them. They will return the fulness of the gospel to Judah, and Isaiah's great prophecy will be fulfilled: “Out of Zion (America) shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem (Palestine).” (Isaiah 2: 3)

The channel connecting the fountains is like a river flowing with living water. It reminds me of the growing, mighty healing river seen by the Prophet Ezekiel beginning from under the latter-day temple in Old Jerusalem, still yet to be built (Ezekiel 47). It suggests the political bands which have connected America to Israel through military and other mutual support.

Most importantly, it represents a welding, nourishing link formed by the restored Abrahamic covenant finding its greatest stature and influence in the latter days, as taught by many prophets down through the ages. This covenantal nourishment is accomplished by the Son of God, the King of kings, and Lord of lords, who has the power to keep roots and branches in proper balance to bring about a plentiful harvest of good fruit—righteous people.

You might also see these beautiful symbols carved in stone by the Creator Himself, by looking at the Sea of Galilee, the Jordan River, and the Dead Sea. And, if you wish: Bear Lake, Bear River, and the Great Salt Lake.

Also symbolized here is a reflection of the eternal laws of witnesses and of opposition; that in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established (Deuteronomy 19: 15; 2 Corinthians 13: 1; Doc. & Cov. 6: 28), and that there must be an opposition in all things. (2 Nephi 2)

I believe the heavenly throne with the twenty-four elders seen by John (Revelation 4; Doc. & Cov. 77: 5) has to do with this duality of kingdoms on Earth, as well as the continuance of the priesthood order of God's kingdom into the spirit world. The elders represent the Aaronic and Melchizedek priesthoods, and their seats are strikingly represented in some modern temples of God. Most outwardly visible are the sets of towers on the exterior of the Salt Lake Temple; three on the east, and three on the west.

I delight in symbols of these two earthly yet heavenly cities built up in the name of God, standing in complimentary opposition, supporting the ultimate Kingdom of God from all sides, defending it as an army with banners.

Kirtland, Ohio

Nauvoo, Illinois

Salt Lake City, Utah


The gathering of Judah took a few monumental leaps forward in the 20th century with the Balfour Declaration, the establishment of Mandatory Palestine, and then the State of Israel in the years following the Second World War. Kings and queens have shown themselves to be nursing mothers and fathers, as prophets have said they would.

Being an actual descendant of Abraham is much less important than being willing to obey the Lord's commandments as they are made known to an individual. If not actually of the blood of Israel, baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost allow a Gentile to be adopted into the family of God, by covenant. In John the Baptist’s time, he criticized the leaders of the Jews who maintained an airy superiority over “impure” or Gentile ethnicities. He told them to bring forth fruit meet for repentance, and that God is able to raise up children unto Abraham from the stones they saw in the desert where he was baptizing. The axe being laid at the root of the tree shows me the Lord's willingness to cut off apostate religionists in favor of renewing His covenant with willing Gentiles. This idea has been expressed many times by Jesus, and by other prophets in teachings too rich and numerous to fully explore now. (Matthew 3)

Modern prophets have clearly declared the work of gathering scattered Israel to be the most important work occurring on the earth today. The Savior must have a ready and willing people prepared to receive Him at His second coming. The city of Enoch will return to Earth and descend to meet the New Jerusalem we build from below. This will demand an industrious, righteous intentional effort. It will happen with or without your help, but the work must be done.

You can join in on this most important work! Isaiah wrote that, “It shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall hiss for the fly that is in the uttermost part of the rivers of Egypt, and for the bee that is in the land of Assyria.” (Isaiah 7: 18)

All are invited to participate in this great work, to join the army of the Lord. You are much greater than a fly or a bee. God, who notices the fall of every sparrow, considers you to be worth many sparrows. Imagine what the Lord can accomplish through you if you give him your mind and willing heart. This is a great work, and we cannot come down! (Nehemiah 6: 3)

“He who scattered Israel has promised to gather them; therefore inasmuch as you are to be instrumental in this great work, he will endow you with power, wisdom, might, and intelligence, and every qualification necessary; while your minds will expand wider and wider, until you can circumscribe the earth and the heavens, reach forth into eternity, and contemplate the mighty acts of Jehovah in all their variety and glory.” –Joseph Smith

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©2025 by Bryce G. Gorrell

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