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The Parable of the Train — Annotated

1 The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a (a)train of grand destination.

2 (a)Some disembarked before leaving the station.

3 All others disembarked at the (a)first stop. Some tarried long to enjoy the (b)enticing diversions, to reap their (c)reward. Some returned to the train to continue the journey.

4 Some (a)fell asleep until (b)awakened and refreshed at the (c)second stop. Some (d)slept long, and awakened only before the train left the second stop. (e)These disembarked and traveled to their friends at the first stop, to reap their reward.

5 All others disembarked at the second stop, to feast themselves at the plentiful (a)banquet attended by the (b)conductor. Some tarried long, to enjoy the (c)beauty of the views and rest themselves in the (d)cool of the day, to reap their (e)reward. (f)Some took a hard road to join their friends who disembarked from the station.

6 Some returned to the train to continue the (a)journey. These (b)endured unto the even, to (c)sit down with the conductor, to enjoy the (d)view of all from the highest seats, to reap their (e)reward.

1a TG Earth, Destiny of

2a TG Sons of Perdition; Isaiah 14: 12

3a TG Mortality; TG Fall of Man

b TG Worldliness

c TG Telestial Glory

4a TG Death

b TG Resurrection; Revelation 20: 4-6; Doctrine and Covenants 76: 17; Mosiah 15: 22

c TG Millennium

d TG Hell

e Mosiah 15: 26; Doctrine and Covenants 76: 17

5a TG Jesus Christ, Millennial Reign; Doctrine and Covenants 27: 5-14; Revelation 19: 6-9

b TG Jesus Christ

c TG Earth, Renewal of

d Genesis 3: 8

e TG Terrestrial Glory

f TG Perdition

6a 1 Nephi 10: 18-19

b TG Steadfastness, Steadfast; Doctrine and Covenants 63: 20; 2 Nephi 9: 18

c Helaman 3: 29-30

d Doctrine and Covenants 130: 8-11

e TG Celestial Glory; TG Eternal Progression; Doctrine and Covenants 63: 23

See also: Doctrine and Covenants 19; 76; 88; 137


The parable illustrates the plan of salvation and eternal progression as we are passengers on the Earth while it passes through various phases: enjoying the presence of God following creation, falling to a telestial state, being destroyed and raised to a terrestrial state, then being destroyed again and made into a celestial world, to fill the measure of its creation. (Doc. & Cov. 88: 17-20)

It is symbolic of the journey we take from the presence of our Heavenly Father before our birth, through mortality, immortality, judgment, and inheritance in an eternal kingdom of glory. It shows that our closeness to God is a matter of our choosing, and that salvation is offered freely to all, according to the desires of our hearts, which will be manifest by our works. (Mosiah 3: 21-27; Jeremiah 17: 10; Doc. & Cov. 137: 9)

"[Our Savior] inviteth [us] all to come unto Him and partake of His goodness; and He denieth none that come unto Him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and He remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile."

2 Nephi 26: 33

The parable illustrates the final judgment not as a surprise, but as the natural consequence of the choices each child of God makes throughout their life.

We are given all things that are "expedient unto [us]," in enabling and empowering us to make the choice of "liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil." (2 Nephi 2: 27)

Since the fulness of the Gospel has been restored to the earth, we have the opportunity to choose for ourselves what laws we will obey, and what degree of sanctification we receive.

Celestial glory, terrestrial glory, and telestial glory are often compared to the relative brightness of the sun, the moon, and the stars, respectively.

It is helpful for me to remember the meanings of the words used to describe these three degrees of glory.

Celestial means heavenly. Think of the purest, most beautiful, most idyllic version of heaven you can, then multiply that image by an infinite factor.

Terrestrial means earthly. Think of Earth, not as it is now, but as it was after its creation, when it was graced by Eden and visitations from God.

Telestial means at a distance, or far away. Think of other words beginning with the prefix tele-. Television is what we call the ability to see things that are far away, happening in a studio or on the street with a reporter. Telephone means we can hear things that are happening far away, such as a conversation with a friend who is speaking into their phone, even thousands of miles away.

It may also help to think of these degrees of glory as they reflect the presence of the three members of the Godhead:

Telestial kingdoms enjoy the presence of the Holy Ghost, and occasional visitations from the Son, and the Father.

Terrestrial kingdoms enjoy the presence of the Holy Ghost, and the Son, with occasional visitations from the Father.

Celestial kingdoms enjoy the presence of the Holy Ghost, the Son, and the Father, all in fullness.


As we progress through the plan of salvation as the earth experiences it, we are exposed to different laws, and offered to taste different glories. In addition to "quickening" as it refers to resurrection from death to immortality, I see another way we are "quickened" by a portion of telestial, terrestrial, or celestial glory. That which "quickens," or enlivens, or excites and interests, is that of which we will receive a fulness in an eternal kingdom of glory: telestial laws and glories, terrestrial laws and glories, celestial laws and glories. (Doc. & Cov. 88: 22-33)

If we love telestial things, we can have them. If we love terrestrial things, we can have them. If we love celestial things, we can have them. In the great plan of our God, there is room for everyone. Upon none will be forced anything they are unwilling to accept, or unprepared to enjoy.

The pain of damnation, as knowing what might have been, will apply in Hell, during the time between a wicked mortal life and deliverance to an eternal telestial kingdom. But, in the end, all will be comfortable, though not all will know a fullness of joy.

In the end, all will have had a full opportunity to manifest the true desires of their hearts by their works. There will be no way to claim that any were cheated. There will be none who are condemned that will rise up and plead to remain in the presence of God. It will not be comfortable for them. Having chosen darkness over light, they will gladly flee from the brightness of God's glory. (Mosiah 3: 25; Alma 36: 12-16)

In the justice of the Savior's perfect Atonement, every wrong can be right, every sorrow turned to joy, every pain relieved. The difference for those who reject the Savior will be that they suffer unimaginable horrors in Hell, as only He knows them. (Doc. & Cov. 19)

But even these who love lies and seek the dark will find a comfortable enough eternal existence because of the Savior's matchless mercy. They can inherit a Telestial kingdom in the far reaches, removed from the light and warmth of "everlasting burnings" of glory inhabited by God. They will still receive ministering from inhabitants of higher kingdoms, occasionally blessing them with measures of peace, joy, and light from above. (Doc. & Cov. 76: 81-88)

Those who become perdition I will only mention. As their eternity lies outside the kingdoms of glory prepared for those who live some degree of law and truth, their condemnation is beyond discussion. (Doc. & Cov. 76: 28-39; 88: 24)

In contrast, those who repent and faithfully follow the Son of God into exaltation will receive all that the Father has, even eternal lives and an endless increase of posterity. (Doc. & Cov. 132: 20-25)

Of course, we do not do this on our own. The frailties and limitations of mortality will be overcome by our Savior, if we choose to follow Him. For example, those who inherit Celestial glory will not have lived perfectly according to Celestial laws during their mortal lives. We are helpless without our Savior, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He promises to cleanse us from our sins, and the ordinances of His priesthood offer us exaltation, as Brigham Young said, "in spite of Earth and Hell."

There will be no room for pity for our fellows who choose other paths, who disembark off the train in pursuit of what most interests them, and who choose not to continue with the Savior all the way back to the Father. They will have chosen their reward.

Having purchased His followers by His blood, all the elements of the universe obey Jesus when He says, "I know they were unclean. The debt I paid on their behalf, let it cover and cleanse them as if they had suffered as I. Let them come up to be with Me."

By His work of creation, He is the Father of heaven and of earth. By His work in us, He is our covenant Father. We must be spiritually born of Him. He wants to share His eternal life with us.

We don't save ourselves. We can't save ourselves. Jesus saves us, if we allow Him. Though we don't have the power to save, we hold an awesome power—the power to choose. Choose wisely. Choose to follow Him.

Endure to the end. Stay on the train.


Scriptures and study helps referenced, including the Topical Guide (TG) can be found here:

See also:

Kingdoms of Glory, by Dallin H. Oaks

Think Celestial! by Russell M. Nelson

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©2025 by Bryce G. Gorrell

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