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The Redemption of Zion

Surrounding the place I live are many people with a keen interest in the latter-day building up of the Kingdom of God.

Jackson County, Missouri is the focused gathering place of many believers who trace their religious roots to and through the church founded by Joseph Smith, Jr. on April 6, 1830. This church, established in upstate New York, has since come to parent at least 80 different denominations, some of which are comprised of many independent congregations with little or no central leadership.

This situation has been something like the scattering of Israel seen following the time of Solomon in the land of Jerusalem.

Common among these churches is the understanding that the Restoration begun in the 19th century launched a movement towards the fulfilling of many ancient prophecies and covenants regarding the establishment of the full Kingdom of God, which would spread truth and righteousness to eventually reclaim the earth to be Christ's, taking it back from the corruption and wickedness seen since the Fall from Eden.

What an inspiring vision of the future, replete with amazing opportunities for mankind, appropriate to the dispensation of the fullness of times, when all things will be gathered together in one, in Christ! (Ephesians 1: 10)

“We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

“We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.”

Articles of Faith 1: 9-10

What a mighty work!


We may easily take for granted the curse resting upon the weary world in consequence of the Fall from Eden, and the noisy interference orchestrated by Lucifer in his program of distraction and darkness, meant to entice us away from fulfilling our Father's plan of salvation.

Did you know there is also a condemning curse upon the land of Zion, even spreading to cover the whole church?

“And the whole world lieth in sin, and groaneth under darkness and under the bondage of sin. And by this you may know they are under the bondage of sin, because they come not unto me. For whoso cometh not unto me is under the bondage of sin.

“And whoso receiveth not my voice is not acquainted with my voice, and is not of me. And by this you may know the righteous from the wicked, and that the whole world groaneth under sin and darkness even now.

“And your minds in times past have been darkened because of unbelief, and because you have treated lightly the things you have received—

“Which vanity and unbelief have brought the whole church under condemnation.

“And this condemnation resteth upon the children of Zion, even all.

“And they shall remain under this condemnation until they repent and remember the new covenant, even the Book of Mormon and the former commandments which I have given them, not only to say, but to do according to that which I have written—

“That they may bring forth fruit meet for their Father’s kingdom; otherwise there remaineth a scourge and judgment to be poured out upon the children of Zion.

“For shall the children of the kingdom pollute my holy land? Verily, I say unto you, Nay.”

Doc. & Cov. 84: 49-59

In the early 19th century, the land of Zion was forcibly ravished and taken from its inhabitants by consequence of their transgressions. Among these iniquities was their “treating lightly” the Lord's commandments.

It is easy to treat lightly the idea of building a Zion people, if we suppose that merely being a member of a certain church or moving ourselves to an appointed gathering place gives us a front-row seat to passively watch the great and/or terrible spectacle to unfold before us.

We treat lightly the commandments of the Lord when we think that our geographic location is all the divine favor we need—that we have somehow “arrived” by showing up to the center place of Zion, with little or no further progress or repentance necessary.

We treat the Lord lightly when we fail to recognize that Zion is far more than a land, or a place. We must see that Zion requires us to be willing and obedient to follow the Lord whithersoever He goest—that Zion is an entire society with a new culture to be established.

We treat lightly the things of God when we worship a city made with hands, instead of the Creator and Director of us all.

We treat lightly the things we have received when we smugly dismiss further light and truth, still being revealed and taught by God's chosen servants.

We treat lightly the things we have received when, in the name of protection, we build walls to keep out those we deem unworthy of repentance, while we ourselves take safe shelter in the blessings of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. (2 Nephi 26: 20-33)

Perhaps those saints in the early days of gathering to Jackson County acted too much like they were only required to move their bodies into a certain place, content to leave their spirits lagging far behind them—not only turned back toward Sodom, but actually still in Babylon, with all its garish glitz and glamour.

Let us not repeat this same mistake, as individuals or as a group.

To be the Lord's savory salt, we cannot be as Lot's wife. (Matthew 5: 13; 16: 24-26; Luke 17: 32-33; Genesis 19: 26)

We must reject the institutions, patterns, concerns, behaviors, pastimes, traditions, and other distractions of this world, and learn to love the things of God above all else.

We cannot enjoy the promised blessings of living out consecrated lives as a Zion people until we repent and return to the Lord.

Prospering in the land may not look like what this fallen world has trained us to recognize as prospering. We must expand our vision of true prosperity. For one thing, we have been commanded not to labor for money, but to develop charity, an essential attribute on which our citizenship in the Kingdom depends. Our hope is vain when it is centered in an expectation that saving our mortal lives by a temporal salvation is the greatest blessing we receive by our industry and preparation. We must keep our faith in Him with an immovable determination, and not in our own lives. No matter what happens to us, if we are living rightly, all will be right in the end, regardless how our lives may end. (2 Nephi 26: 30-31; Moroni 7: 40-48; 10: 21; Matthew 10: 28)

I believe that the redemption of the land of Zion cannot occur until the condemnation earlier cited is lifted by the Lord. (See Doc. & Cov. 105: 9)

Unlike an earlier attempt in 1834 to redeem the land of Zion by military might, we must form new “Camps of Israel” to prepare our minds, and our land, for the things to come, and for the arm of the Lord to be revealed, wherein we will witness Him fight our battles as we follow Him in truth and righteousness.

To be Zion, we must have pure hearts. (Doc. & Cov. 97: 21)

How is this to be accomplished?

How can we demonstrate our willingness and obedience? (Isaiah 1: 19-20; Doc. & Cov. 64: 34-35)

How can we ensure that we are not taking “lightly” the Book of Mormon?

How can we, as a people, make restitution for our former neglect?

How can we become a truly mighty people, and turn our trust from that of flesh, unto the Lord's able arm?


Have we repented to a point that will allow the Lord to withdraw the condemnation upon us, owing to our neglect of the Book of Mormon? I'm not confident we have.

Many Book of Mormon believers appropriately apply the Book and its teachings to themselves as pertaining to their personal relationship with the Lord.

The Book of Mormon is the most impactful sermon, the clearest explanation, the greatest treatise on covenant-making that has been revealed to us so far.

It connects the ancient covenants of the past to our time—now, in the latter days, when these covenants should be fulfilled. (See 1 Nephi 15: 18)

It is the Lord's instrument for the gathering of Israel. By reading its words and praying to our Heavenly Father about its teachings, it powerfully gathers individuals to Christ. It leads them to make and keep individual covenants that assure them of peace in this world, and Celestial salvation in a world to come.

But its mighty power extends beyond the individual who experiences that Book of books.

The power of the Book of Mormon reaches on to matters not cleanly confined to the “spiritual” lives of those who embrace it.

Of course it teaches us how to follow Christ, as individual disciples.

But it also teaches families, communities, and nations how to follow Christ into His coming Kingdom.

The so-called “political” implications of the Book of Mormon are stark and stirring.

There is too much to be recited here. I encourage you to read or reread the Book of Mormon, and seek for its collective message of redemption offered to faltering societies such as ours.

Those of us here in the land of Zion (America) must clearly understand and share the message the Book of Mormon proclaims regarding governments, countries, and kingdoms, as also kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, and that of enacting, then honoring, obeying, and sustaining righteous laws.

Those who are building Zion in other parts of the world share this obligation, to spread the cause of liberty and to free the souls of men from all manner of oppression—spiritual, economic, political, etc.

Help all you can to find the personal peace the Savior offers by His invitation to come, follow Him.

As they are freed from the burden of their own sins and find spiritual safety, encourage them, and yourself, to continue on sharing the message the Book contains, in an ever-increasing sphere of influence, recognizing that the Book has more to say than just how an individual nurtures a covenant relationship with God.

It has a lot to say about how we as a people must live by covenants.

It has a lot to say about how the Gentiles currently inhabiting this land must strive to keep themselves in proper honor of Jesus Christ as the God of this land.

It has a lot to say about how to establish and maintain righteous governments, built upon true principles and led by good people.

It has dire warnings for those who entertain or enable secret combinations to usurp influence in society by position and other cultural pressures.

Read the Book. Try to wipe your mind of what you think you know about the Book of Mormon. Read it again, seeking to answer the question, “What is the Book of Mormon?”

See it for what it is.

I have found it to be more than a closely held, privately precious primer on Christian discipleship. I have found it to contain a profound and necessary message for the world, spoken in clear anthems to the kings and rulers of the earth, regardless of their level of spiritual interest. The message is apt, succinct, and critical to the survival of wholesome sustainable societies.


When and in whom shall we see the raising up of a new Josiah, ordained and empowered to set aright the scattered spiritual condition among the churches in Zion? (2 Kings 22-23; 2 Chronicles 34-35; The Book of the Law)

When shall we see a return to a remembrance of the new covenant, even the Book of Mormon, as directly as was ancient Judah's return to the Book of the Law found in the Temple?

When shall we begin to lift the curse brought upon us by our treating lightly the things we have received?

When shall we unite in solemn assembly to acknowledge our nothingness before God, and to seek His strengthening sustainment?

When shall we cast down the pride that continually causes us to selfishly stumble?

When shall we begin to rend the veil of unbelief imposed by willful darkness being cast over the minds of this people?

When shall this people see the vision of the Paradisiacal future to be established?

When shall they take God's own Son to be their King personally, that we may soon collectively subjugate to His almighty authority?

When shall we be redeemed by our faith and repentance unto a perfect stature of Christian righteousness?

When shall this land be redeemed by our faith and repentance unto a perfect measure in filling its purpose of creation?

When shall we multiply a multiplicity of blessings to rest upon the heads of those who long for peace and everlasting security?

When shall the covenants of the Eternal Father which He hath made unto the house of Israel and to the children of Zion be fulfilled?

When shall we see freedom flow as milk and honey, with fig, vine and olive springing forth in fruitful bounty—flushed, fleshed and flourished by living Water?

When shall God's strong sons and His fair daughters receive one another in faithfulness, clothed with honor and virtue in perfect mildness, to bring to pass the mortality of man in purity and holiness before the Lord?

When shall they regard one another as rightful rulers of tributary kingdoms, in leading their children to walk uprightly before the Lord?

When shall they take one another in the bonds of charity, as together they magnify the blessings of chastity?

When shall their citizenship in the great Kingdom of God be assured? When shall their elections be made sure?

When shall the way be made plain, that those who stumble in darkness may see the great Light, and safely guard themselves home to His heavenly harbor?

When shall the redeemed of the Lord come in with their songs of everlasting joy?

When shall we hear and join when the voices together shall rend the skies and break forth in exalting tones of worship before the thrones?

When shall we throw down the vain imaginations that distract and dissuade from the divine?

When shall our countenances be made to reflect that bright Source of all truth and light?

When shall we rise up and exchange sackcloth for sash, rent rags for robe, crushed cap of concealment for crown?

When shall the city set upon the hill shine forth, with a glowing pillar of fire lighting upon each dwelling place by night, and a cloud of protecting shelter by day?

When shall we take the Lord, Jesus Christ seriously, and choose to believe Him, in addition to believing in Him?

When shall we learn to nourish ourselves beyond bread alone—to live by every word which proceedeth forth out of the mouth of God?

When shall we see the Lord's promises to be fulfilled?

When shall we begin to fulfill our promises?


As soon as we are ready and willing, we may lift the banner and sound the cry.

As soon as we choose the Lord, the Lord will choose us.

Be His.

See also:

Sustainable Societies, by D. Todd Christofferson

Cleansing the Inner Vessel, by Ezra Taft Benson

“Think on These Things” by Bruce R. McConkie

A New Witness for Christ, by Ezra Taft Benson

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©2025 by Bryce G. Gorrell

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