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Water Into Wine

As a full-time missionary from 2009 to 2011, I spent three hours of study each day, devoted entirely to preparing to teach others the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This time included studying alone for an hour, then together with my assigned companion missionary for an hour, then an hour studying in Spanish.

Much of what is studied and taught by missionaries are basic doctrines and principles, presented to be easy to understand and apply by those new to the restored Gospel. We all benefit from constantly refreshing our understanding of these basics, which can be compared to feeding our souls with wholesome spiritual food. How we need this good food!

In addition to this long-term constant nourishment, so vital to our survival, mercifully the Lord will allow a piece of candy now and then. How grateful I am for these moments, when He shares something that brightens my view and uplifts my spirit, gladdening my soul in grateful praise of His majesty!

Such a time happened once when I had to stay home all day with a sick missionary companion. While he rested, I went through my normal three-hour morning study regimen for the needs of those we were teaching, and then had an opportunity never before enjoyed: I had the whole rest of the day free to study what I wanted to study, only for myself.

Thinking now, there are a hundred things I'd like to study out fully in the scriptures. I'm confident you can think of things you'd like to have answered more deeply from your study of God's words. I encourage you to seek answers for yourself.

What I wanted to know then was why we use water instead of wine in celebration of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

As with many other doctrinal topics I discuss on this website, I don't claim a full knowledge or to be in authority to proclaim new teachings beyond the sphere the Lord has given me. But it is with deep humility that I do not shrink from sharing what the Lord has given me. If these things can uplift another person, and I refrain from speaking out of fear of being misunderstood, I will have buried my talent and am not a wise servant. (See Matthew 25: 14-30) Of course, there are things that are not wise to share, things only for the individual receiving them. There are things I do not discuss, which are carefully treasured and kept only between me and God. Everything else I feel duty-bound to try to use in bringing about His work as I am anxiously engaged without being commanded in all things. (Doc. & Cov. 60: 2-4, 13; 63: 64; 58: 26-28; Alma 12: 9-11)


The short answer for why we use water instead of wine in the Sacrament is that the Lord has said it doesn't matter what we eat and drink in remembrance of Him, so long as we are actually doing it in His remembrance. This revelation was given as a result of some difficulty the Prophet Joseph Smith had in securing a bottle of wine for use in a Sacrament meeting in August of 1830. He was met by an angel who instructed him:

"Listen to the voice of Jesus Christ, your Lord, your God, and your Redeemer, whose word is quick and powerful.

For, behold, I say unto you, that it mattereth not what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink when ye partake of the sacrament, if it so be that ye do it with an eye single to my glory—remembering unto the Father my body which was laid down for you, and my blood which was shed for the remission of your sins.

Wherefore, a commandment I give unto you, that you shall not purchase wine neither strong drink of your enemies."

Doctrine & Covenants 27: 1-3

It seems the Lord is saying, "Feel free to use water because it's easier to get, and puts you out of control of your enemies, who may try to harm you with tainted wine, or withhold wine from you in an attempt to interfere with your worship."

I already knew this explanation, and normally it will suffice for most any inquirer. But is there more to it than that? I thought there might be more to learn as I embarked alone during that day with my sick companion in California.

As I studied the 27th section of the Doctrine and Covenants, I noticed the Lord couldn't help but pour out more explanation than I'd ever heard before on the topic.

The Lord says that the time will come that He will drink wine again with us in a great celebratory meal in commemoration of His triumph over death and sin, in an earthly yet heavenly kingdom to be built up unto Him. He provides a list of attendees that will join Him in this great Millennial banquet. Other passages of scripture become clearer as we ponder this great celebration to be held in the future. It is a marriage supper, the great marriage supper of the Lamb, where He will celebrate His covenant people having been true and faithful, and receiving seats of restful glory with Him, like the way a bride and groom are celebrated. (Matthew 22: 1-14; Luke 5: 29-39; Luke 14)

Remember Jesus' last supper before His suffering and death. In that meal, Jesus referenced this great meal to come, and reminded His closest followers that the time would come when they would drink wine with Him again at that day. (Matthew 26: 29)

Can you think of another marriage supper attended by Jesus, involving water and wine?

To inaugurate His earthly ministry, ushering in His first coming in the flesh, Jesus turned water into wine! (John 2: 1-11)

I believe, as part of the current preparatory stages of the restoration, as we are now working for His coming kingdom in its fullness, we use water instead of wine. The Savior is not here yet among us. We have not yet offered up all the fruits meet for His Father's kingdom. As water draws up the vine and turns into wine as fruit develops, we will see the blossoming fruitful plenty of all the privileges and blessings granted to the faithful in coming days of sweet delight.

We are beginning to see the times of fasting (Luke 5: 34-35) come to a close as we prepare for His presence among us. He has shown His face to Prophets, and we are now enjoying a spiritual feast of the word of the Lord compared to the long night of apostasy preceding the calling of Joseph Smith, but we are still to see the great glory of the physical kingdom of God to roll forth in its fullness. (Isaiah 27: 1-6)

When He comes, He will hold a great Sacrament meeting, where He will provide bread and wine in a plentiful feast to usher in the Millennium. It won't be the first miracle we see in all the leading up to that great day, but like the party at Cana, it will similarly introduce the kingdom He is building by our humble efforts to serve Him here below.

He wants you and me to be there (Doc. & Cov. 27: 14; John 17). Let nothing, no distraction, no matter how important at the time, delay you. You can start to walk the path that leads to Him today.

There is a place for you at His table now in His church, and in His kingdom at that later feast.

Come and dine.

See also:

Doctrine & Covenants 58

Revelation 19

Isaiah 5, and 25

Jacob 5

Put On Thy Strength, O Zion, by David A. Bednar

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©2025 by Bryce G. Gorrell

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